Sunday, October 12, 2014

Conference at the Cabin, October 2014

Tacos in a bag after Priesthood session

Trevor had to bring up Spencer's truck to drive around. The boys had a great time with it.

Crafting at the cabin...the boys are painting stars.

Cody and Janae with their star!

We are putting together Christmas trees out of 2x4's

Oh my, we even got Steve to do some crafting!!

Cody helping Janae with shooting the .22
We moved to a table shortly after this picture so she wouldn't get
so tired holding the gun.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

4-wheeler Collision, August 2014

Four-Wheeler Collision, August 2014
Trevor and his buddies, Brady and Lane Mair, were in a 4-wheeler collision on the night of August 6, 2014 (Wednesday). Mom got a call at 11:30 pm asking to meet them at the Emergency Room. So, as you can see, there was a lot of blood. It looked like his ankle bone was sticking out. The ER nurses got some pain medicine in an IV quickly. Trevor and his friends kind of had a fun time in the ER together. After a couple of hours, we finally went to X-ray. It turned out that he had broken both the fibula and tibia right at his ankle. There was also a lot of soft tissue damage. We are not really sure what hit his ankle to cause this injury, but it was probably a combination of Lane's 3-wheeler hitting Trevor's leg and his leg hitting his own 4-wheeler. After more hours of waiting and cleaning up his leg, it was determined that he would need surgery. So at about 5:30 am, Trevor was checked in to the hospital. His surgery was at about 7:30 am. He ended up with 2 wires on the inside part of his leg: staples on both sides of his ankle.  He stayed in the hospital until Friday morning.

The ironic thing is that Trevor and his buddies had big plans to spend the weekend at the Cache County Fair. He did take his knee scooter to the fair on Friday night. But that ended up to be a little too much action after his accident and surgery. He was tired and in some pain when he came home.

September 14, 2014
He got to lay around and watch movies for the last 2 weeks of summer. He has scooted around school for the first 3 weeks. He has enjoyed the sympathy but is ready to get back on his feet. He has had a boot for the last week. We go to the doctor again tomorrow. He has worked at the farm. (whether he should or not). Yesterday, he bailed a field all day. 

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Devil's Campground, May 9-10, 2014

Trevor's scout campout at Devil's Playground, Utah, West Desert

Wyatt Simper and Trevor Hatch

Wyatt Simper, Trevor Hatch and Austin Kimball

Trevor Hatch and Austin Kimball

Austin Kimball and Trevor Hath

Monday, November 4, 2013

Trevor's Smashes his finger

When I got a phone call at school on a Thursday morning in November, I wasn't sure what to expect. But it was my cute Trevor taking us to the ER again. (previous trips:  cut leg and appendix) Well, as the story goes, he was pulling on a door at school while a friend was pulling on the other side. As you will see in the pictures below, it did not go well for Trevor. 

This is pretty nasty business. It took the nail off of his finger and clipped the top of his finger off. After a fake nail and some stitches, it almost looked good as new.